STAR Voting Oregon

STAR Voting Oregon - link to full slide presentation

  • Nonpartisan

  • Advocate for voting methods that are fair and accurate

  • How Does Star Voting Work? - Quick Info Video

Current issue - vote-splitting with 3 or more candidates

  • Doesn’t work - unfair

  • “Spoiler” candidate ‘forces’ you to vote major party

    • Vote is ‘wasted’

    • 2 part domination - money

Methods that eliminate vote-splitting:

  • “Bad” list = ranking is NOT always counted!

What do we want?

Rank choice is less accurate when lots of candidates are in a race

  • Portland is known to have a large candidate field

  • RCV is also known as “Instant Runoff”

  • 3+ strong candidates like OR governor race would be likely to fail

    • Alaska was a good example of this - most Alaskans preferred either Republican over the Democrat

    • Close scenarios show faults of the system

Portland City Charter Ballot in November

  • Mayor & auditor are proposed as one RCV method, 50% +1 to win

  • City council proposed single transferable vote method, 25% +1 to win

    • Electeds are less accountable!

  • Proportional RCV in a 3 member district

    • Ensures representation for diverse factions BUT…

    • Also makes electeds LESS ACCOUNTABLE

    • Candidate would need to be opposed by 2/3 to be voted out - encourages incumbecy

  • No more early returns / tabulations

    • Could be illegal - Portland is technically in 3 counties that all have due dates

STAR 2024 Oregon Ballot Measure

  • Signatures just submitted to gain approval to signature gather for ballot measure

    • Sign up for email list to be notified when they are ready to take volunteers to gather signatures!

  • This ballot measure would cover all elections at every level within the state

    • Any municipality would be able to keep their current RCV since many are newly implemented

  • How you can help:

Portland charter proposal Q&A:

  • What if there are 30 candidates? It is typical to have 8-12 people running for a city council position, so estimate 10 x 3 positions per district = 30

    • This would limit the number of rankings you’d be able to do

    • STAR voting always has 6 bubbles no matter what

  • Eliminating the May ‘primary’

    • Must ensure you are covering your bases with accurate voting method

    • Cost of elections will go down but have to make sure not at cost to vote accuracy

  • Cost breakdowns of different voting methods?

    • RCV = new voting machines (obviously not an issue in OR)

    • STAR Cost info

  • Uneducated voters trying to vote at the last minute - STAR is still SIMPLE!

    • RCV is not which can cause a voter to be overwhelmed

    • Voided ballots are not countable


  • Single vs proportional versions of STAR

    • What matters more to community that is implementing?

      • Don’t want large, unrepresented factions

    • Easier to see differences in single method

Multnomah County Charter

  • Ballot line item - concerns that it adds complexity

    • STAR or Approval Voting would be better for Multnomah County

      • Single winner RCV - same method as the proposed PDX city mayor & auditor 50% +1


The Ulysses PAC